
Sunday, October 23

Alpha Subjects from

Ability53 (11) - Acting54 (8) - Actions55 (14) - Advertising56 (11) - Advice57 (22) - Age58 (54) - Agreement59 (13) - America60 (47) - Americans61 (19) - Anger62 (15) - Argument63 (18) - Art64 (53) - Atheism65 (20) - Attitude66 (7) - Autumn67 (3)
Balance68 (6) - Beauty69 (17) - Belief70 (20) - Birds71 (25) - Birth72 (8) - Body73 (34) - Books74 (65) - Boredom75 (15) - Brain76 (8) - Bureaucracy77 (6) - Business78 (15)
Chance79 (8) - Change80 (17) - Character81 (34) - Charity82 (10) - Charm83 (6) - Children84 (42) - Civilization85 (13) - Cliches86 (3) - Committees87 (7) - Common Sense88 (9) - Communication89 (5) - Communism90 (4) - Community91 (7) - Competence92 (5) - Computers93 (27) - Conceit94 (10) - Confidence95 (15) - Congress96 (5) - Conservatives97 (13) - Courage98 (26) - Creativity99 (21) - Crime100 (17) - Criticism101 (21) - Curiosity102 (5) - Cynicism103 (12)
Dance104 (7) - Death105 (47) - Decisions106 (12) - Defeat107 (10) - Democracy108 (17) - Desire109 (27) - Dignity110 (15) - Discovery111 (18) - Doubt112 (16) - Dreams113 (30) - Drinking114 (19) - Drugs115 (5)
Economics116 (9) - Education117 (43) - Enemies118 (30) - Energy119 (7) - Engineering120 (12) - England121 (7) - English122 (7) - Equality123 (13) - Etiquette124 (13) - Evil125 (29) - Excellence126 (12) - Exercise127 (10) - Experience128 (12) - Experts129 (8)
Facts130 (13) - Failure131 (21) - Faith132 (18) - Family133 (8) - Fashion134 (9) - Fear135 (17) - Food136 (45) - Forgiveness137 (20) - Freedom138 (23) - Friendship139 (50)
Genius140 (14) - Giving141 (20) - Goals142 (14) - God143 (43) - Golf144 (8) - Gossip145 (16) - Government146 (18) - Gratitude147 (6) - Grief148 (10)
Habits149 (6) - Happiness150 (50) - Hate151 (6) - Health152 (24) - Heroes153 (10) - History154 (12) - Hollywood155 (8) - Home156 (8) - Honesty157 (21) - Honor158 (12) - Hope159 (26) - Humility160 (14) - Humor161 (25)
Jealousy172 (10) - Journalism173 (23) - Joy174 (27) - Justice175 (18)
Language178 (28) - Laughter179 (26) - Laws180 (40) - Laziness181 (14) - Leadership182 (9) - Learning183 (11) - Liberals184 (10) - Lies185 (17) - Life186 (34) - Light187 (7) - Listening188 (16) - Loneliness189 (10) - Love190 (70) - Luck191 (8)
Mankind192 (13) - Marriage193 (37) - Mathematics194 (11) - Maturity195 (10) - Medicine196 (10) - Memory197 (19) - Men And Women198 (18) - Mercy199 (6) - Mistakes200 (33) - Money201 (58) - Morality202 (23) - Music203 (43)
Painting210 (13) - Parents211 (28) - Passion212 (22) - Patience213 (19) - Patriotism214 (15) - Peace215 (17) - Perfection216 (13) - Perseverance217 (7) - Persistence218 (5) - Pets219 (21) - Philosophy220 (14) - Photography221 (4) - Physics222 (7) - Plagiarism223 (5) - Planning224 (13) - Poetry225 (22) - Politicians226 (13) - Politics227 (26) - Possessions228 (9) - Poverty229 (8) - Power230 (28) - Prayer231 (12) - Prejudice232 (16) - Pride233 (9) - Progress234 (10) - Proverbs235 (87)
Reality238 (17) - Relaxation239 (26) - Religion240 (23) - Reputation241 (10) - Respect242 (10) - Revenge243 (8) - Revolution244 (6) - Risk245 (19)
Sanity246 (24) - Science247 (34) - Secrets248 (9) - Security249 (9) - Selfishness250 (5) - Service251 (7) - Sex252 (15) - Silence253 (43) - Simplicity254 (8) - Sincerity255 (6) - Sleep256 (13) - Snow257 (4) - Sports258 (13) - Spring259 (7) - Statistics260 (7) - Stupidity261 (20) - Success262 (50) - Suffering263 (18) - Summer264 (7) - Superstition265 (7)
Talent266 (14) - Taxes267 (7) - Teaching268 (9) - Technology269 (6) - Television270 (33) - Temptation271 (14) - The Future272 (19) - The Past273 (10) - Time274 (29) - Tolerance275 (8) - Travel276 (13) - Trees277 (15) - Trust278 (24) - Truth279 (29)
Vices281 (11) - Victory282 (16) - Violence283 (10)
War284 (26) - Wealth285 (11) - Weather286 (8) - Winter287 (15) - Wisdom288 (21) - Work289 (42) - Worries290 (7) - Writing291 (64)

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